Warser Gate

Sunday, May 27


Hockley, Nottingham on a very rainy sunday afternoon in May…

Originally uploaded by wietse?

Bilderberg 2007 – introduction and report (audio)

Friday, May 11

Tony Gosling

This is a must listen if something like the Bilderberg Group interests you. Someone from Radio Dialect in Bristol interviewed freelance journalist Tony Gosling, who has been researching the activities of the Bilderberg Group since 1993. The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg Conference is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of business, media, and politics. Owing to discussions by public officials and powerful business leaders (and others) being off the record, these annual meetings are the subject of much criticism (for circumventing the democratic process of discussing issues openly and publicly) and numerous conspiracy theories. This year the conference will take place from May 31st to June 3rd in Istanbul, Turkey. The piece is 1 hour long.

Listen: to the stream | download mp3 (31.71mb)

Links: bilderberg.org | Radio Dialect | Communique to the Turkish Prime Minister from Turkish Filmmaker Re: Bilderberg Conference 2007

A Sharing Economy

Wednesday, May 9


Zullen we eerlijk alles delen? Het internet heeft ons gehele economische waardesysteem op z’n kop gezet. Het heeft bijgedragen tot beperking van schaarste. Informatie is niet meer schaars en de waardereing van inmaterieele dingen is toegenoemen. Exclusiviteit is op het internet ver te zoeken. De rol van de consument is strenk veranderd. Vandaag de dag zien we dat consumenten (of liever procumenten) dankzij de beschikking over eigen media en internetdistributie zelf laten zien want ze kunnen, vinden en willen accepteren waarbij oude werden gebaseert op schaarste en exclusiviteit niet meer een vanzelfsprekendheid zijn. Tekst: Irene Kress en Marco Raaphorst. Stem: Bert Kommerij. Foto en audio gepubliceerd onder Creative Commons License.

Luister: naar de stream | download mp3

Lang leve de bakfiets!

Thursday, May 3


Freight bicycles or Freight tricycles or cargo bikes are human powered vehicles designed and constructed specifically for transporting large loads. Vehicle designs usually include a cargo handling area consisting of an enclosed box (cabinet), a flat platform, or a wire bracket basket. These may be mounted between parallel wheels at either the front or rear of the vehicle. The frame and drivetrain must be constructed to handle loads several times that of an ordinary bicycle. Other specific design considerations include operator visibility and load suspension.

Historically, freight bicycles were heavy-duty standard bicycles, typically with heavy carriers at front or rear. During the early part of the 20th Century these were commonly used by tradespeople for local deliveries (in the UK this style is still sometimes known as a butcher’s bike, although the Post Office have by far the largest fleet). Modern freight cycles vary much more widely, often being tailored to particular applications.

Links: Additional Uses for Freight Cycles | Wikipedia | Wikimedia Commons